Portfolio 2012

This is my portfolio from 2012. It implements the html5 history api and custom url design. There is a lot of OO-JavaScript to keep the architecture modular. The main idea of my design is to show enough information from the start so the users can find the projects they are interested in easily. The projects are accessible from search and from the browse by navigation. Each project is enriched with tags to inform about what the project is about. When a user is interested in a project they can preview it or directly view it. To keep track of what have been seen, a progress bar at the top counts the number of viewed projects; viewed projects are greyed out (after 30s), and the current project is highlighted. The user can also select the projects they wants to bookmark. I really wanted the ui to be straightforward, organized and efficient.

WebView HTML
© 2021 release version 28d6d (latest).