Adobe Journey Orchestration

Journey Orchestration is a new product of Adobe launched in 2019. It is a large-scale distributed application that is event-driven. It listens to millions of events and performs actions based on those events on an audience that ranges from thousands to millions of people. It allows brands to deliver a fine grained customized experience to their customers.

My overall role was to collaborate with many teams across Adobe on multiple timezones, from Product teams to Engineering teams, to elaborate technical solutions for the different stakeholders on the field, such as the Product evangelists, the consultants or our end customers. Then, I also had a more scoped role.

My main role was to code the front-end of the application from scratch as part of the UI team in React. Our implementation was focused on complying with high quality standards and the latest web development best practices. I contributed with the user permissions layer, React context layer, and data model layer that implements the Adobe Experience Data Model (XDM). I built this data layer via a complex treeview component that allows the users to select fields and manipulate those fields in dynamic expressions. I also integrated the central GraphQL service in the stack.

I also had a fullstack role and contributed to the backend in Java by elaborating the flow that allows the Adobe customers to send events and performs the actions in the application runtime. I also maintained the custom Expression Language backend service in Java used to calculate expressions based on data received at runtime.

Read more articles about it on the Adobe Tech Blog:

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